Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lobbyist's Update on Raises

I hate to have to report that our attempt to increase salaries for school psychologists and others with the "six year" masters degree or doctorate failed this session. We had hopes for the Senate, but without success.

We know some Senators -- notably Vernon Malone and Tony Rand -- were very interested in our issue. But budget talks are a mystery cloaked in a puzzle, wrapped in an enigma, and when the Senate budget came out of its cocoon, what little new money was available for education went for More at Four and the UNC system. Across-the-board teacher salary increases were way below what the Governor wanted.

We have had encouragement for the coming session, which starts in February. Sen. Rand urges us to try again. Rep. Rick Glazier, who received NCSPA's public service award for 2005, has promised to work hard on this issue in 2009.

Conventional wisdom, or maybe it's folklore, says a new bill usually takes 4 years to go through the General Assembly. Let the conventional wisdom be true.

Thanks to Carol Vatz, Chris Tufts and Sarah Greene, who worked hard on this. Thanks also to those of you who sent in stories of your work with children. They were very effective. Finally, thanks to NCAE and its lobbyist on this issue, Marge Foreman, who worked hard.

Steve Shaber

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