Friday, February 5, 2010

Together NC Coalition Meeting Announcement

Provided by Stacey Massengill, NCSPA Legislative and Public Policy Committee Member

Originally Submitted by Rob Thompson, Executive Director of the Covenant with North Carolina's Children

Last year, we came together and formed Together NC to ensure that North Carolina elected officials took a responsible and balanced approach to addressing our economic crisis, and we made a difference - legislators included nearly $1 billion in new revenue in their final budget to sustain vital public programs.

Our current situation demands more coordinated action. With the economy struggling to recover and a tenuous state budget situation, we must come together again.

Join us for a day of conversation, education, skill-building and engagement around the state of the economy and its impact on North Carolina's children, families, and communities.

Together NC Forum: Charting a Path Forward for 2010 and Beyond

Thursday, March 18th
10 AM- 4:30PM
Marbles Kids MuseumRaleigh, NC

The agenda for the day includes:
A coalition meeting to determine a plan of action for Together NC in 2010 and beyond. We will be sending organizations a pre-assessment tool to help us plan for this portion of the day. We ask that all Together NC organizations make an effort to participate in this decision-making process even if you are unable to send a representative to the forum.
A luncheon featuring Dean Baker, a nationally-prominent economist and co-director of CEPR (, and Jon Shure from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities ( Dean and Jon will give us an update on the economic outlook for the US, prospects for economic recovery, and the continued impact the recession is having on states' abilities to meet the needs of their residents. The luncheon is part of NC Policy Watch's Crucial Conversation series.
A training on messaging around the economy and budget- both developing a common message for Together NC and helping organizations develop an effective message about your own budget priorities. (Jon Shure is confirmed, Patrick Bressette from Demos has been invited)
The forum is open to all current and prospective members of the Together NC Coalition. Please feel free to invite new organizations to join us for the day.

To RSVP- Email with the following information:
Name of your organization
Number of people from your organization you expect to attend with their names and contact information
Whether or not you plan to attend for the full-day or just part of the day. Be sure to indicate whether or not each attendant will be present for lunch.
A more detailed agenda and the pre-assessment survey will be sent out over the next few weeks.

If you have any questions about the forum or Together NC, please contact Rob Thompson ( or 919.866.3280) or Meg Wiehe ( or 919.856.3192).

Directions to Marbles Kids Museum:

For more information on Together NC:

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